ICS #18

Here’s my card for ICS this week. I love how the sketch suggested an element that comes off the card. I made the card a bit smaller so it will still fit in the envelope. I made the card with Sassafras Lass scraps from some LOs I made this weekend. I was able to pick up this Hog Heaven paper pack for $9 because of clearance and a coupon! I was so excited I went home and made two LOs with it right away, including the one below for the Vintage Plum “All that Glitters” challenge.

Two Combos

After the craziness of this week I wanted to catch up on some challenges for I’ve done some combos. ICS has a new DT this week so go check out the work of those talented ladies! Here’s my take on this week’s sketch. I also used the Card-a-licious challenge of pink, brown, and scallops on this card. The papers used are DCWV Rock Queen Stack and those stamps are from Making Memories. And since these papers are from Rock Queen plus the saying I think it work for the Corrosive Challenge Blog challenge this week to use a rock music theme. Corrosive Challenges is a relatively new challenge blog with lots of fun varied challenges. Defintely worth checking out.

This is the LO I did for Vintage Plum’s Star Search Fussy Cuts challenge but also for Use Your Stash Glitter challenge. Since I love to use Stickles on just about anything that challenge was a no brainer for me. Vintage Plum is a great kit company that holds lots of challenge and has fun tutorials so you should definitely check them out.

Pink Elephant Circles and Scallops

First here’s my take for this week’s Pink Elephant challenge to use scallops and circles. It’s a post it note holder but doesn’t have any post-it notes in it at the moment because I don’t have any. But I plan to add some because I think it will make a cute mother’s day gift. It’s very simple to make and I got the idea from the Vintage Plum Creative Cafe (great weekly challenge with tutorials).

Next is a card I made custom for a lady I met at a flea market. My friend wanted to sell jewelery there because it was supposed to be a craft show as well (but turns out it wasn’t a place for crafters selling their wares) so I tagged along with my friend. It was mostly just a long hot morning for the two of us but I was delighted to make this card. I think everyone deserves a special and beautiful wedding card. Some of the details may be hard to see but the heart is glitter embossed and I used BG Boxer papers. I really hope she likes it.

Last but not least I want to share with you all a way to win some gorgeous digital stamps. Digiments is holding its first official contest in honor of its grand opening. Michelle the creator makes beautiful digital sentiments called digiments and will be releasing her first line on May 13th. If you’d love to win some fun sentiments that can be resized to fit any card or project visit the site. I have seen the collection and have even gotten to play with them and I know you’ll love them if you win.

Vintage Plum Crop

One of the challenges this weekend at the Vintage Plum crop was to make an animal inspired card. It was the only challenge I had time for since I’ve been really busy with finals. But I didn’t remember to post it in the gallery in time to enter the challenge. I also had the Caardvarks tree challenge in mind when I made the card (but I was too late for that one as well). Besides finals I have been working with the gorgeous sentiment stamps from Digiments but that work will have to be under wraps until the big release on the 13th and I can’t wait for you all to see these amazing stamps. I’ve also been working on a special order wedding card which I will be able to share soon. Well I’ve got to get back to the books… Thanks for stopping by!

ICS #13 and Vintage Plum Creative Cafe

Here’s my take on this week’s ICS sketch. I decided that since it was such a funky sketch it would be perfect for BG Obscure. ICS is having a DT call and since I love Dawn’s sketches I figure I should give it a shot. So I’ll be working on that sketch this weekend.

This is a bookmark I made for Vintage Plum’s Creative Cafe hosted by Lea Lawson. Lea’s orginal project used wire but I didn’t have any so I swapped it for a wide craft stick. I love the way it turned out, but I’m hestiant to use it for its intended purpose because I’m always tossing my books into my bags with all my other junk and it’ll probably get crushed. My cousin is gentle with books though so maybe she’ll be getting a new bookmark. I have a busy weekend planned but I’m excited for it as well. Have a great weekend everyone!

CPS, Vintage Plum, Pink Elephant, and ICS

Over at Vintage Plum they had a create a cupcake challenge and I decided to make another ribbon cupcake. My sister really liked the cupcake card I made her and I thought it would make another special birthday card for someone else. After I finished the cupcake accent I based the card on the CPS sketch this week.

I made this card for the Pink Elephant challenge to use pink, green and yellow and using the sketch from ICS. I’ve been making some scrapbook pages this week so I haven’t had as much time for cards so I combined the challenges. I love the simplicity of the ICS sketch this week because it allowed for a lot of creativity. I was determined to mix some Sassafras Lass papers because I love them, but they challenge me with their eclectic nature.