Sketch Girl

I am so proud to say that I will be designing for Sketch Girl. It is a brand new card sketch site. The first sketch went live this week and I’m so excited to share with you my take. The sketches will be every two weeks so you’ll have plenty of time to join in on the fun. Also in the next few challenges there will be prizes so head on over and become a follower so you can stay up to date on all the latest. Besides using the fun Sketch Girl sketch I used the Use It challenge. The challenge was monochromatic (one color with a neutral, for me black), a favorite stamp, a tag, and a layered flower. I know its kind of odd to see a Halloween card but I bought these stamps after Halloween and I’ve really been wanting to use them so I finally gave in. The paper is from the Rock Queen stack from DCWV.

ICS and Use It

I created this card with the ICS sketch from this week. I love Dawn’s sketches because they always give me a challenge. I also used the Use It challenge for this card. The requirements were to be inspired by nature, use polka dots, use our fave embellie and send it to someone special. The paper is from K and Co and it inspired me to use the butterfly punch and handcut a strawberry because they can be seen in the PP. Making embellies from paper is defintely one of my faves because paper is more of an addiction to me than any other supply.
This is a male Yellowthroat Warbler. There is at least one pair nesting in the meadow where we often go birding. They are probably the cutest of the bird couples we see there. But I probably only think that because I love their bright yellow.

3 Challenge Card Combo

When I was crafting with my mom this weekend she didn’t have much time and she usually takes a but longer to put a card together so she thought we should combine a bunch of challenges on one card. The Use It challenge was to use pink, scallops, and a tag. This worked well with the Card Patterns sketch that included a scalloped component and the Pink Elephant challenge to use pink, brown, and white. The DCWV Sweet Stack was perfect for this color combo so I used that as my inspiration for the challenge. I must admit I was a bit intimidated by the bow because I find them difficult but I think it turned out cute. I envy the girls who use cute bows all the time and make it look effortless.

Two Cards to Share

This first card is for this week’s Use It challenge and the ICS sketch. The Use It challenge was quite complex. You had to make a square card, with a summer theme and sentiment, use twine, a flower, a pin, and ribbon, and punches. Then I combined it with the ICS sketch. It was quite a challenge to get all that on one 4×4 card.

This second card was made using a sketch from Stamp Something. The frog stamp is from Colorbok Friendly Forest. The papers are from Colorbok as well and came in a pack of chipboard. The chipboard alone was a great deal but it was cool to get some bonus paper. The plaid paper I used makes this card also fit the plaid challenge from last week at 365 Cards.

Use It #2

Rae Barthel just started a new challenge blog called Use It! I first became aware of Rae’s work when she was on the 2S4Y DT and have visited her blog occasionally ever since. I missed the first use it challenge but was determined to check out the blog again to participate. So here is my card for the week. The challenge was to use spring colors, a tag and 4 flowers. Also Danni of dannisdoodles was the host of the challenge. The flowers are table confetti from Pier One that I just had to have when I heard about them over at scrapjazz but in the at least two years since I bought them I have no used one. Well for this challenge I decided to change that and used al four flowers from there. I guess if I’m going to finally take the plunge and use one I should go all out. The emboridery floss like most I use is from my mother when she used to cross stitch and she has passed it on to me. It was great to get some older stuff moved in my stash but next time I’m going to chllenge myself to make sure I use older paper as well since this is still my more recent GCD Studios paper.