Stamper’s Best My Hero Set

I am committed to sending a box of cards to Operation Write Home. In fact my box is full now and will be going out next weekend after my mom and sister add any extras they have. I wanted to send some Any Hero mail with my box though and this is where Stamper’s Best comes in. Not only do they offer fabulous military themed stamp sets perfect for Any Hero mail they also donate $1 for each Operation Write Home set a customer buys. So I bought the My Hero Sentiments set and my order came with fab Operation Write Home stamp below (which you need for the back of the cards you send). I am so happy with the quality of this set and have used them on all my Any Hero cards. 

Below are two simple cards I made to send as Any Hero mail featuring my current favorite sentiment from the set. It sums up the purpose of the card and the star for the ‘dot on the i’ is a great touch.