Recipe Challenge 40 and CPS 107

This week at Sketches by Tamara the recipe was to use staples, a star, and 3 different patterned papers. I wanted to make a more boyish card and I thought this challenge would be perfect for that. I also followed sketch 107 from CPS. I love the simplicity and versatility of this week’s sketch. I challenged myself to make this card quickly since I think masculine cards usually involve less embellishing. This card probably took about 30 minutes which might be average for some, but was quick for me.

A LO and a Card with Sketches by Tamara

This card was made with Tamara’s card sketch #85. These are Heidi Grace papers that I recently picked up at a very cheap price from Joanns. The whole line was on clearance and so I got chipboard, plastic embellishments (like those flowers), paper, and satin ribbons. The stamps are also a new purchase, those bunnies are too cute and perfect for Easter cards.

This LO was made with Tamara’s Layout Sketch #86. This was the first time I stamped my own PP and while it was time consuming I enjoyed it. These flowers seemed to work well with the tropical feel of Discovery Cove where the pictures are from.
My exams are over for the week but I’m so worn out and still have the rest of the week in schoolwork that I think I’m going to put off crafting until the weekend when spring break starts.

Snow Day and a Card

Today we got lots of snow so classes were canceled which is very rare at Rutgers. In the morning I spent some time fooling around in the snow with Tim and friends. It’s so much fun to play like children sometimes.

Here’s a card I made last week with Card Sketch #84 from Sketches by Tamara. This card is a bit spring-y considering the snow but I’ve been waiting for spring. Though the snow did remind me of what fun winter can be. This card was made with Colorbok Friendly Forest, I think I’m addicted to this line. I love the bright colors and simple patterns. I’m also addicted to stitching on cards but this time I tried to mix it up a bit and added the sequins.

Hope you’re having a fun Monday as well!

Recipe Challenge #37

I made this for Recipe Challenge #37 at Sketches by Tamara. I also used Card Sketch #81. Her sketches are fun and I’m enjoying going back and using some of the older ones. The recipe challenge was to use use flowers, buttons, and sitckles/glitter. Well up until now I’ve kind been hoarding my stickles but once I used them the other day I can’t seem to stop so that part was easy for me. I traced chipboard flowers to make the flowers from the same Boxer paper I used for the rest of the card. Buttons are always a cute center for flowers so overal the recipe challenge was simple but fun. Also today I recieved some happy mail. I won a $20 Michael’s giftcard from and so I can’t wait to go out this weekend and pick up some new goodies. I really want some more BG 6×6 packs so I’m hoping my Michael’s will have some that I haven’t gotten my hands on yet.

Tamara’s Recipe #36 and The Pink Elephant Challenge #2

Happy Sunday!

Having just discovered Tamara’s sketches I had to keep playing. Here is my take on the recipe challenge #36 and using sketch #69. The recipe called for bling (little gold pieces), flowers (on the PP) and something I’ve been hoarding (Stickles). I used DCWV Once Upon a Time line which is great for girly cards. I’ve been making so many cards lately I’m going to have to start surprising people with happy mail because I don’t know what to do with them all. Also I was keeping in mind the Pink Elephant Challenge this week. This is my kind of blog because I love elephants and love cardmaking. Their logo is so adorable and I’m excited to play along. Their challenge was All that Glitters and with Sitckles, glitter papers, and the little gold bling this card fits the bill. I need to get studying because I have two tests this week so no more crafting for me until they are over.

Tamara’s Sketch #83 and Card Patterns #3

This Thank You card was made with Card Patterns Sketch #3. They have an awesome sponsor this week, I {heart} Papers and the guest designed Hanneke did great job with the sketch. For this card I used Sassafras Lass Woodland Whimsy which I love because it uses so many colors.

I made this card for Tamara’s Sketch #83. I just found this sketch site yesterday when I was looking for some new challenges. I love the site because there is one card sketch as well as a recipe challenge each week. I’m going to give this week’s recipe a try later today. For this card I used some handmade papers my mom bought for me a few years ago. So many of them have a shine and a sparkle which I love. Also the shine in the background paper inspired me to add the gold bling to the tree image.
Also when crafting I had the Caardvarks kraft cardstock challenge and Stamp Something 3D challenge in mind. Both cards use kraft cardstock and since I popped up the stamped images on my Happy Spring card to add more dimension it works for the Stamp Something 3D challenge.