A Guy Card to Share

I love the elements from the CC Boyfriend collection, so much guy card potential. So I combined these fun shades with a sentiment spelled out in Tiny Type. I’m hoping my LSS which will now be carrying Cosmo Cricket will be carrying tiny type because I’m running low on some letters, but back to the card. This card was made with the CPS sketch being sponsored by EAD Designs. I also incorporated the Paper Sundaes challenge to use stitching. Paper Sundaes is being sponsored by Belles and Whistles stamps.

Sassafras Goodness

All the news from CHA and the extra giveaways makes for an exciting blog week for scrappers. Sassafras is featuring their new lines on their blog so I thought I would share with you a card made with their goodies. They had a warehouse sale in the spring and of course I had to get one of everything. The package came with some adorable felties that I wasn’t quite sure how to use but the Paper Sundaes challenge of a Back to School theme got me inspired and I paired the apple feltie with the apple paper. The two new lines are Count Me In and Mix and Mend. I love both these lines for the same reason I always love Sassafras. Count Me In is adorable and whimsical and then Mix and Mend is frilly and vintage. But both have a fun color palette. Check out the new releases and find out how you can get a chance to win them!

Paper Sundaes DT Call

Paper Sundaes is having a DT call. Now this is my kind of challenge blog because they a wide variation in their challenges. Some weeks it is a technique and others its a particular supply or maybe a color. Well for their call they asked for examples of favorite projects. I think its hard for me to choose favorites but I’m going to share with you and them some past cards I’ve loved and a new project inspired by their latest challenge.

I love color and funky paper. My first card featuring some SEI Bridgeport and my second card is made with Sassafras. In both cards I tried to mix lots of different colors in a complimentary way. As you can see and you would know from following my blog the only thing I like more than challenges is patterned paper.

For my last project I have my entry into their latest challenge to make your own flowers. GCD Studios shared a flower technique that I modified to create this 3D pendant for my cousin’s birthday.

So check out the Paper Sundaes challenge blog to find out more details about the current challenge and the DT call.