My Sketch World DT Sketch

Here is one of the cards I made for the My Sketch World Design Team Call. It was made with We Are Memory Keepers White Out collection which I love and received from an awesome swap partner. Soon everyone will find out who made the team. While I would certainly love to be part of the team I am simply excited to see the wonderful talent that will make up the new DT. With 100 applications you know there will be some fabulous cards and LOs in the coming months. This is not the card I submitted for the call but I’ll show that one soon as well. Also the new February LO Sketch is available so check it out for some inspiration. Also my new background is something I made from some beautiful digital scrapbooking freebies I found around the web. I hope to soon post some details of the sources I used. Thanks to my DBF for helping me figure out how make my file into something that I could post as my background.

My Sketch World: 2nd January Card Sketch

I made this card using the second My Sketch World card sketch for January. I had to make this card only from the small shopping bag worth of scrapbooking supplies my mom brought over yesterday. Unfortunately she didn’t bring any stamps so I couldn’t use the stamped image suggested in the sketch. She did though have the package of paper bits currently at the Target Dollar Spot so I was able to use lots of paper layers. In fact everything but the cardstock and bow were from the Target Dollar Spot. I’m looking foward to using more sketches from My Sketch World and finding out about the new DT over there.