ICS and Use It

I created this card with the ICS sketch from this week. I love Dawn’s sketches because they always give me a challenge. I also used the Use It challenge for this card. The requirements were to be inspired by nature, use polka dots, use our fave embellie and send it to someone special. The paper is from K and Co and it inspired me to use the butterfly punch and handcut a strawberry because they can be seen in the PP. Making embellies from paper is defintely one of my faves because paper is more of an addiction to me than any other supply.
This is a male Yellowthroat Warbler. There is at least one pair nesting in the meadow where we often go birding. They are probably the cutest of the bird couples we see there. But I probably only think that because I love their bright yellow.

Dutch Dare and Card Patterns

I made this card last weekend and when I went to tay with my boyfriend for a few days left it at home. So I’m quite late in posting it and both challenge are over that I used it for. The kitty in the picture is my cat who goes by many names but I call her Princess. I made this card with Card Patterns Sketch 20. I also used the challenge over at Dutch Care Card Challenge which was a color inspiration photo. As soon as I saw the photo I thought of the Bridgeport line from SEI. I won this collection from Papercrafts magazine and these papers are absolutely beautiful! Speaking of winning I was so fortunate to win Marti’s blog candy from the UYS blog hop! She sent me some papers and chipboard from DCWV Green Stack. I loved that line but resisted because I have so much paper but I’m so excited to own it now. It will be perfect for the nature photos we’ve been taking.

Here’s a picture that I took on one of our recent nature trips. I don’t take many of them because my boyfriend is the official camera man on the trips because he’s a bit faster than me at spotting the birds and I honestly just love to enjoy the sights. He’s learning so much more about his camera and photography. By the end of the summer he’s hoping to have some great bird shots. Its a little tricky with only a medium zoom lens but that just means we need to learn to be sneakier.

Happy Tuesday

Here’s some different projects I’ve worked on recently but am just sharing now. The Father’s Day card was made for the Let’s Scrap Design Team. Right now the design team is in a bit of a transition as some great new members are added. You can see the rest of the Father’s Day cards at the DT website. Also as you might recognize this card was made with a Digiments digital sentiment. Digiments door buster sale is over but you can still purchase all 30 Digiments for $20!

This little gift card holder was made using packaging from some small pens I bought. I covered it in cardstock and then decorated it with some SEI papers. I think it will be great for many occasions. I’ll leave you with another picture from our recent hikes. This is a female Common Yellowthroat Warbler. We saw her and a male at the same time and it was a very exciting find since we have not seen them before or since. This week we are planning some very early morning birding trips so I should have some other interesting pictures to share soon.

Non-Crafting Pictures

So I’ve been doing some scrapping lately but much of it is under wraps because it was for my design teams and for magazine submissions. But I will be sharing my DT stuff very shortly. In the next few days I will show you sneak peeks of my Digiments cards in preparation for the release on the 13th. Also during the release this weekend Michelle is running a huge sale on the already extremely affordable Digiments. You will be able to buy the entire June release of 30 Digiments for $10!

These pictures are from the hikes my boyfriend and I have been taking lately. We decided we needed a good summer activity to do together and he used to hike a lot a a child plus we have lots of local trails. So we’ve gone on a couple of hikes a week since we finished school. We’ve seen lots of wildlife and I’m determine to carry the camera out more. I hope to catch lots more good pictures so scrap of our many wildlife sightings.

Hope you are enjoying the summer as well and that’ll you’ll stop by later this week to see the new Digiments, I know they’d help many make some fabulous cards.