Cards and a Recipe to Share

This first card is for challenge #17 at Easy Craft Projects Challenges. A new to me challenge blog with a photo inspiration. The photo is various word strips similar to the one on my card. I loved the American Craft background paper and unfortunately the colors are a little off in the photo but I like the way it looks IRL.

This second card is for the Etsy Inspired Challenge. I just found them last week and was lucky enough to win my first challenge. I love the inspiration there so I’m back for a new challenge. This week the store is Mermaid Tears Jewelry and there was lots of beautiful jewelery there. My card was primarily inspired by this pastel stacked sea glass necklace. Head on over to the blog to play along. This card features 4 different PP from Basic Grey’s Kioshi 6×6 pad. I used my Fiskars punch for the borders.

My last card is based on the CPS sketch. I was also inspired by the vintage typewriter posted atPaper Crafts as part of their Inspired Style challenge. I used Basic Grey Kioshi again with some Prima flowers.

One last thing… I am currently procrastinating from my school work by making muffins and sharing some cards with you. The smell of banana nut wafting through the air is delicious. Need a recipe?
3/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 mashed overripe banana
crushed walnuts
1/2 egg
1/3 cup applesauce
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 brown sugar
Mix all dry ingredients together and mix all wet ingredients together separately. Then combine and add walnuts. Stir just until combined. Put in the oven at 350 for 25 mins. There is applesauce instead of oil so simply spray the cupcake pans with some cooking spray or use foil liners. It makes only 6 standard sized muffins. The recipe can be doubled though. With only two people in our house six is plenty.

Etsy Inspired #96

I’ve heard of Etsy Inspired in the past but never played along. Lately I’ve been trying to stretch my creativity a bit more though so I thought it would be a good challenge to try. The Etsy Shop this week is Octavia & Brown which sells vintage goods. I loved the vintage letters and numbers as well as the bird statues. I remembered the bird stickers from the Basic Grey Kioshi line and so I combined the image with the papers and letter stickers. I added a rubon in the corner for a bit of the elegant feel of the items available. The challenge is sponsored by Octavia & Brown and Charleston Scrapbook Company. Hope you all have had a great weekend. I have to go catch up on some reading for class tomorrow. Oh the joys of summer classes!