Card Patterns Anniversary Sketch

So I didn’t get a chance to finish my card until the evening because I had quite a bit of homework to finish up before the weekend. Which has led to this iffy photo but hopefully I’ll get a new one tomorrow when its nice and sunny. GCD Studios is announcing their new DT on Monday as well as some very fun other positions. So with all the excitement I decided to play with some GCD paper and tags. I used the Card Patterns sketch. Its their one year anniversary! I’ve played along with the blog periodically since the beginning and I must say they have had fabulous designers and sketches. I also decided to pull in the Creative Belli Eyelets challenge. It always feels good to use up some goodies I haven’t played with in a awhile.

Challenges with Love Birds

I was hanging out with my mom this morning and made yet another valentine. This love birds card was made for the Basic Grey Challenges sketch using Euphoria. My Love Birds sticker is new for the ABC Challenge. Creative Belli wanted ribbon so I added a bow for a flower center. I have hearts for the Daring Cardmakers challenge. I know there were many valentines challenges this week but I think that’s enough challenges for one little card. Hope you’re enjoying the long weekend!

Sketch Girl Valentines

So I told you all how I loved the new Sketch Girl sketch and well I couldn’t get it out of my head so I made two valentines with the sketch. I decided to combine the sketch with some challenges because I can’t turn up a good challenge. I incorporated Creative Belli’s challenge to use hearts and Caardvarks red hearts challenge. Also Crafty Creations wanted to see a celebration card and these are for Valentine’s Day so that’s certainly a celebration. Pile It On wanted enough of the winter colors so I have lots of bright spring colors.
I made these cards with the Basic Grey Sugar Rush papers and stickers I bought at the LSS this weekend. I was trying to go four months and make 40 projects without new supplies but I only get a chance to go to the scrapbooking store maybe 3 times a year and it was their big anniversary celebration so I broke my challenge. But I didn’t feel too guilty because I had made 19 projects in less than the first month so I’ve been using quite a bit of stash lately.

Valentines Treat Holder

My sister always wants something fun to put on her desk since she got a new job so I picked up this plastic holder at Micheal’s on Christmas clearance. I even decorated it early so she can put it on her desk before the holiday. Even better I was able to be inspired by a few challenges when making this project. Creative Belli called for hearts and the large heart is from a swap and the brads have been in my stash just as long. I love having gorgeous handmade embellies in my stash from past swaps when I need to make a quick project. The Crafty Creations challenge was a Love or Valentines theme which this candy holder fits perfectly. I punched holes in the plastic holder with my crop-o-dile and then weaved a fun sheer hearts ribbon from Target through it. You can’t see in the picture but I filled this with pink and red Starburst to get her started but I’m sure she’ll need a refill before the holiday especially if she leaves it on her desk. Happy Friday everyone!