Vintage Week at 365 Cards

At 365 Cards they are having a vintage week. Vintage is definitely not my strong suit, but I decided to give the recipe challenge at the end of the week a try because I knew it would be a real challenge. I started with a doily for the lace, distressed it, stitched around the center, and added a sentiment stamp. Next I layered a dimensional sticker, die cut, and stick pin over the doily for a funky vintage embellie. I put it over some pierced 7 gypsies papers cut to fit the 5×5 card and topped if off with buttons to hit every part of the challenge. I was happy to stretch my creativity and take a closer look at my supplies but the chance at a great prize was good motivation as well. Hope you all had a relaxing long weekend! I look forward to getting back to my kiddos at school tomorrow but not the 6 am wakeup call.

Card Style Challenge in the Moxie Fab World

Here’s another attempt at using a specific style for the Moxie Fab World Style Challenge. This time I was going for classy and elegant. I used a sheer flocked ribbon, some rich purples, and a shiny finish on the background. These are SEI papers my mom picked up on clearance at Micheal’s big sale a few weeks ago. I used the CPS sketch this week as well. I’ve been checking out many other people’s interpretations of the different styles and I encourage everyone to give the challenges a shot no matter what your own personal style is because its fun to challenge and stretch yourself.

Very Merry Strawberry CPS

When I saw the CPS sketch this week I thought of the red paper from Cosmo Cricket’s Garden Variety line and how it would work perfect with gems for the side of the sketch. I kept it simple because I think the die cut card from the line is pretty cute all on its own. I love that I got some crafting in this week but I need to also go get to that homework thats piling up done.

Two More Cards

I’ve been making so many cards lately because I’ve been on spring break this past week but as of tomorrow I will be back in school mode. Before things slow down on my blog I have two more cards to share with you. First up is another card for the 2S4Y sketch this week. I’ve used some SEI papers and a tag. It’s a simple card but a lot of friends will be graduating with me this year so a stock on congrats cards would be good.

Next up my friend asked if I could make a mother’s day card for her over break. I used the Caardvarks challenge of a photo inspiration. The green and white with the butterflies were the main inspiration for me. Unfortunately I didn’t get around to posting this in time for the challenge but I hope my friend will like it. Remember to check out my paper flowers blog candy on my sidebar!

Sketch Girl #13 is up!

Sketch Girl 13 is now up! It is a simple but fun sketch that is being sponsored by Wild Flower Kids.
The winner of Sketch 13 will receive 5 digi images from Wild Flower Kids. WFK was kind enough to give the DT digital images from their Royal Court release to use on our cards. I used Pretty Princess on my card and colored her with pastel pencils.

Check out the other Sketch Girls:

A Card for a Special Girl

I recently heard about Delia, a little girl who’s been diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, and could use some valentines. She especially loves owls so a card with owls would be especially appreciated. Well I love owls too and love giving away cards so I set to work on an owl valentine just for Delia today. Dustin Pike is generously giving away some digital freebies to those who are willing to make a card for this little girl. The digi images are of course owls so don’t worry if you have no owls on hand. Also that post has mailing details for valentines for Delia. I combined my mission today with some challenges. I used two of the 365 Cards challenge (scallop, ribbon, and ink distressing and the white out sketch challenge). Cupcake Crafts called for Red and White all over though I added a touch of black. Simon Says Stamps asks for love this week.

Caardvarks with Sketch and Stash

Caardvarks has teamed up with CARDS magazine to offer an amazing prize of being published in the magazine. The challenge is to make your very best wedding card and you can enter as many cards as you want before the 15th. Now I know my card isn’t the most traditional but I can see if going with so many gifts. Many wedding gifts are things for the home and so I thought of Nook and Pantry by Basic Grey.

I used the challenge over at Sketch and Stash as well. I loved their sketch and knew immediately that I wanted to use the teapot sticker from Nook and Pantry. Last weekend at my LSS I got my hands on lots of new to me BG and this is my first card with the Nook and Pantry collection. I added some faux stitching, a Making Memories rub-on, gems and Stickles for interest. Sketch and Stash is being generously sponsored by Simon Says this week.
Remember to enter to win my blog candy at this post. The more entries the bigger the prize and those who participate at Sketch Girl will get an extra entry if they link up their creation!

Four Challenges in One

As classes get started this week I had some extra time but wanted to combine challenges to make the most of it. For this card I combined the Dotty Divas advert challenge and the Flutter by Wednesday challenge because they paired really well. The Flutter By challenge called for embossing with butterflies, angels, or fairies. Dotty Divas advert had many colorful butterflies so I choose to make by butterflies a bold red. I also incorporated the Pile It On challenge to use three ribbon and the Card Patterns sketch although I did modify the sketch slightly.
This weekend I will be working on the upcoming Sketch Girl sketch with a template from Perfect Presentations. Leigh Ann has done such a great job including instructions and examples with the template that you are excited to use them right away.

Another Sketch Girl Card with Other Challenges

I wanted to make another card with the Sketch Girl sketch, but with a slight variation so I decided to combine it with some other challenges. I had fun working on these various challenges while making a Welcome Home card for my cousin who just came back from vacation. I used the SEI Bridgeport collection again because it was perfect for the Flutter By Wednesday’s challenge to use anything butterfly, angel, or fairy. I paired this with the Hole in One challenge at Daring Cardmakers which allowed me to highlight the butterfly. The Hole in Oone led right to the Banana Split Sunday Challenge to Think Round. I’ve really enjoyed seeing everyone’s take on the Sketch Girl sketch so keep them coming and remember you’re playing for a fabulous template from Perfect Presentations!