Newton’s Nook Designs June Release Fetching Friendship

Hello crafty friends! Today is the second and final day of the Newton’s Nook Designs June Release. I know all the dog lovers out there are going to be super excited for this one. For my tag I experimented with some no line watercolor using Inktense Pencils. Check out my video for more on how I made this tag and keep reading to learn how you can win!

Would you like to win “Fetching Friendship”?
This set will be given away to ONE lucky winner
Here’s how to win: Comment on the NND blog and Design Team and Guest blogs (see list below)! The winner will be chosen at random from the collective blog release posts. Make sure to check out each of their blogs and comment for your chance to win. You will not know which blog has been chosen so the more you comment on the better your chances are of winning! You have until Wednesday 17th at 9pm CDT to comment  — winners will be announced on the blog post on Thursday, June 15th. 

Check out all the awesome Design Team Blogs below to enter:

21 thoughts on “Newton’s Nook Designs June Release Fetching Friendship

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