I Love You!

For this card I started with the Runway Inspired Challenge from the picture below. Of course the green drapery is very eye catching, but my card focuses on the lace top of the dress. I stamped a Hero Arts background stamp that had straight lines and florals similar to the lace then added some Antique Linen Distress Ink to mimic the skin tone. I added in the green by coloring the floral images and then tried to invoke the layered green with the green lace trim. I also put the two solid black bands along the side to invoke the black bands on the dress. I think I went a little dark with my greens, but I wanted to work with Distress for the techniques and it is generally a more muted palette. This is also for the Open Minded Crafting: Use Some Ribbon challenge.

8 thoughts on “I Love You!

  1. Incredible! Love your take on the inspiration photo, Jess. Thanks so much for joining in on the “Use a Ribbon” challenge at Open-Minded Crafting Fun this time and good luck in the draws. I hope we see you again for the next challenge.


  2. Incredible! Love your take on the inspiration photo, Jess. Thanks so much for joining in on the \”Use a Ribbon\” challenge at Open-Minded Crafting Fun this time and good luck in the draws. I hope we see you again for the next challenge.NanaConnie


  3. wow love how you interpreted this picture! the card is totally fabulous!Thanks for joining our fortnightly challenge here at Open Minded Crafting Fun Challenge. Hope you will join us next time co-owner Crafting Vicky.


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