Party Time Fox

Today I was inspired by the Curtain Call Inspiration Challenge Confetti Crush photo which you can find at the bottom of this post. I was thinking about how big round confetti might look falling from the air. I got out a party themed American Crafts paper pad and went to town cutting out circles. After putting them in an arrangement I liked, I knew the next step would be adding a focal point. I decided to go with the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge of Animal Antics. So I reached for my Newton’s Nook Designs Sweetheart Tails set. I love this fox and haven’t used it enough yet. I added some white details to the fox using the Picket Fence Distress Marker. When you draw it on you can’t even see the ink but it dries white on colored paper and adds a quick easy touch to patterned paper critters. Speaking of the fabulous Newton’s Nook Designs they have some new sets this week including Wild Child which I’ve included a picture of below. How adorable is that penguin mama and baby or those giraffes. I will be using the code I won in their latest challenge to add this cute set to my collection. I’m also linking this card to the Through the Craft Room Door Anything Goes challenge.

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