Jingle Belles 12

Jingle Belles has a sketch challenge this week. I admit, I was at first thrown off a little by the sketch, but I went through my stash hoping to be inspired. I found the oval sticker from the Basic Grey Eskimo Kisses collection and it all came together from there.

You can see above a closeup of the little cross shapes along the side. These are from my Kreaxions Punch 913. I love that this one punch create two borders, two corners, and a little cross shape and that’s before the accessories are added which open up the possibilities even more.

6 thoughts on “Jingle Belles 12

  1. HA! yes! isn't it funny how once you get ONE ELEMENT for a sketch…it all just sort of falls into place after that?! and basic grey (miss basic jess!) is pretty much ALWAYS a fine place to start to get a “keystone” imo! 🙂 ♥LOVING♥ everything about this: that dark background ROCKS…and i thiiiiiink you may have just “enabled” me into a fabulous multi-option punch… 🙂


  2. HA! yes! isn't it funny how once you get ONE ELEMENT for a sketch…it all just sort of falls into place after that?! and basic grey (miss basic jess!) is pretty much ALWAYS a fine place to start to get a \”keystone\” imo! 🙂 ♥LOVING♥ everything about this: that dark background ROCKS…and i thiiiiiink you may have just \”enabled\” me into a fabulous multi-option punch… 🙂


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