Cosmo Cricket Home Challenge

Cosmo Cricket has issued a challenge yet again. Create a Christmas ornament or a LO with a house/home theme. Well I figured since all my holiday stuff is stored somewhere in my mom’s attic and I certainly won’t be getting it all out a few handmade ornaments for this year wouldn’t be a bad idea.

I used the house pattern from the Cosmo website and mixed my Mitten Weather mini deck with my Jolly by Golly element printables. I love being able to print as many as I want of some of my favorite Cosmo images. I don’t have to worry about finding the perfect project or accommodating size. I’m definitely a traditional paper crafter but I also definitely recommend checking out the Cosmo Cricket digital elements!

This is also for the Easy Craft Projects Challenge 27, sponsored by Some Odd Girl, to make a Christmas project! And for the City Crafter Challenge Blog Let it Snow challenge sponsored by DT member Cheryl Nelson! I used some stickles to emphasize the snow on the Home Sweet Holidays image.

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