Paper Flower on a Halloween Card

*** If you’re on the Lawn Fawn blog hop please scroll down for that post***
The CARDS challenge this week at the Create Blog is to use handmade flowers. Well I’ve seen many tutorials and tried a few. One that I always loved but was a bit intimidated by was the spiral flower. The technique was featured in the latest issue of Scrapbooks Etc which contains lots of great Halloween projects so I pulled out last year’s Basic Grey Halloween line and started to play.

I love the look of it finished but must say it wasn’t as easy as it seems. Its one of those things that you will likely need to play with a few times to get the hang of. Also its a big embellishment and this card won’t be able to fit in an envelope so its not something I would use on a LO. I used an awesome Halloween rub-on I’ve been hoarding and a Hambly overlay I got on recent trip to the LSS. Unfortunately this card didn’t make it into the shared gallery, maybe because its out of season, but I love it anyway!

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