Scrap It With a Song #18

This week at Scrap It With a Song the song for inspiration is Get Here by Oleta Adams. I thought all the mention of travel would be a good reason to use it for a LO about a trip. Here’s is my craft club’s spring trip to Princeton (we got there by railway as in the journaling). I used Sassafras Anthem papers and stickers. I also used some pieces of the brochures we collected. This week we are being sponsored by The Paper Trail an online scrapbooking store who is offering a $20 gift certificate. We’ve had less than 20 participants these past few weeks. I would think great sponsors and the ability to create any type of paper craft would elicit a little more response. If you’ve never played along I urge you to give it a try. If nothing else who wouldn’t want a 1 in 20 chance of winning a $20 gift certificate. So whip up a quick card or beautiful LO inspired by our song this week and share!

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