Cuttlebug Challenge and Pink Elephant Inspirational Play Along Featuring a Digiment

When Michelle sent me this week’s Digiment for the weekly challenge I knew it would be perfect for a gift so I combined with the Cuttlebug 3D challenge and Pink Elephant Inspirational Play Along. I loved the bright color and flowers of the plate that was inspiration at the Pink Elephant so I incorporated that into my project. Also since the Cuttlebug challenge was for something 3D not a card I was determined to lug the bug out. I embossed the background with swiss dots and cut out the flower in the corner.

The Digiment I used is part of the weekly challenge over at Digiments. If you make a card with this free sentiment you will be entered to win the ENTIRE June release and if the May release is any indication it is a prize you will be using over and over. So hop on over to Digiments and get your free stamp to enter to win.

20 thoughts on “Cuttlebug Challenge and Pink Elephant Inspirational Play Along Featuring a Digiment

  1. What a great way to use the digiment! I love that idea of adding it as part of the gift, not just a card to accompany the gift. These colors look great together.


  2. What a clever girl you are!! This is great, and thanks for the info about the digiments! This is a darling project, and I love the colors you chose, too. Thanks for being a part of the Cuttlebug Challenge! Good luck with the great giveaways this month….I hope you will be one of the big winners!



  3. What a clever girl you are!! This is great, and thanks for the info about the digiments! This is a darling project, and I love the colors you chose, too. Thanks for being a part of the Cuttlebug Challenge! Good luck with the great giveaways this month….I hope you will be one of the big winners! BettyBee


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