Pink Elephant Challenge #5

This week the challenge at the Pink Elephant was the use pink, green, and brown. I know these colors work great together but I just couldn’t find a line that had all three that was calling to me that day. So I mixed BG Euphoria with some old DCWV brown. The Pink Elephant has been introducing lots of fun new features this week you should be sure to check out. They have a new tip sight that has lots of fun ideas about a variety of scrapbooking challenges. Today is the first day of my spring break week. I looking foward to the time off but will also be writing a research paper this week. Never truly free from schoolwork I suppose. I should have lots of crafty things to share this week since I have the time off and also some extra time to blog surf and catch up with the beauty the rest of the craft world has been creating. I can’t wait!

12 thoughts on “Pink Elephant Challenge #5

  1. Know what you mean about the papers Jess….sometimes it takes me longer to choose the stash than it does to make the card!!
    Thanks for taking the time to play along with us again this week πŸ™‚

    Carol x


  2. Know what you mean about the papers Jess….sometimes it takes me longer to choose the stash than it does to make the card!!Thanks for taking the time to play along with us again this week :)HugsCarol x


  3. I'm the same about choosing papers too. Sometimes I get them spread out everywhere and something doesn't gel somehow.

    Love how you have put these together though – a great card.
    Ann xxx (from the Pink Elephant Challenge)


  4. I'm the same about choosing papers too. Sometimes I get them spread out everywhere and something doesn't gel somehow.Love how you have put these together though – a great card.Ann xxx (from the Pink Elephant Challenge)


  5. Great card Jess!! I have paper problems most of the time too. I know what I want…I can see it in my mind, but I just can't find it in my stash. lol I am glad you are enjoying our challenges and the new features we are adding!Robin


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