Recipe Challenge #37

I made this for Recipe Challenge #37 at Sketches by Tamara. I also used Card Sketch #81. Her sketches are fun and I’m enjoying going back and using some of the older ones. The recipe challenge was to use use flowers, buttons, and sitckles/glitter. Well up until now I’ve kind been hoarding my stickles but once I used them the other day I can’t seem to stop so that part was easy for me. I traced chipboard flowers to make the flowers from the same Boxer paper I used for the rest of the card. Buttons are always a cute center for flowers so overal the recipe challenge was simple but fun. Also today I recieved some happy mail. I won a $20 Michael’s giftcard from and so I can’t wait to go out this weekend and pick up some new goodies. I really want some more BG 6×6 packs so I’m hoping my Michael’s will have some that I haven’t gotten my hands on yet.

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