Kazan’s Sketch 17

I made this postcard style valentine, and its five companions below, with Kazan’s Sketch 17 for Pat’s Cards 4 Kids 1000 Valentines Challenge. Pat is trying to collect 1000 valentines for her local hospital’s children’s ward. Pat and her friends are offering some wonderful blog candy for those who send valentines. Please visit her blog for the details and help out if you can. She has already received 429 valentines, but 1000 is still in sight. For all these valentines I used Heidi Grace Love of my Life Theme paper and Making Memories tags. The cute little mug propping up my postcard has been popping up on blogs all over the place and I just had to go to Target and get myself one. I was lucky that a sales lady searched in the back for me because they weren’t on shelves yet and she said there aren’t many to go around.

2 thoughts on “Kazan’s Sketch 17

  1. Hi Jess,

    Your blog is nice and you seem to have it organized and together. I wish you much success. If you wish you can visit my blog and share a story, some advice, or find a blogging buddy! Thanks!


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